Thursday, July 28, 2011


It's been exactly 1 year since me and Maryo met.
Cause he remembered
Cause he's weird.
But I guess I should say something like, sweet or something >_>
Maryo, Mario, Andy,whatever,
You were ALWAYS there for me, there's never been a time when I've been like, not happy to see you, or not happy to be talking to you. Even when we first met & started dating back in noobhood, and I cheated on you a billion times, you still stuck with me, and you just kinda forgave and forgot, and that's so amazing. And all those times I wrongly accused you of cheating on me, and me getting pissed at you for no reason, you still stuck with me, through everything.
Remember we'd always stay up really late and have heart to hearts about everything.
Remember when you called me, and it was awkward as fuck. xD
Remember when we first met, I was so impressed, cause I was such a noob.
When we first started dating, it was kind of a joke. I had like, a million other boyfriends,and you had like, a million other girlfriends, apperantly. ;) But then once me and (ew) Paiden broke up, I kinda realized what an amazing person you actually were, so we got a bit more serious. Then we dated for like, ever after that. And then (ew again) Damen came along, and well, yeah. And even though I broke up with you for him, which was a total bitch move, you've still stuck with me, and that's why I love you so much. You'll always,always be there for me, no matter what. And I'll always be here for you<3
Happy Anniversary, Maryo. :)
Idk how that whole story sounded, cause I didn't re read it after i wrote it, I just kinda typed frantically everything i remembered. >_>
k bye <3 c:

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